“The Spirit Circle transforms.

Resilience, bravery, empowerment

truth, and awareness are its gift.”


Sacred Soundscape

& Wisdom Circle  

It is a powerfully uplifting, healing time when friends and kindred spirits gather in Circle.

Heartsong facilitates a safe sacred space for people to enjoy Sounds~Silence~Sharing

Participants experience a journey of sacred instrument sounds and vocalizations that charm the mind into stillness and soothe the soul. Thereafter we comfortably sit in a circle of chairs, connecting, laughing, sharing & present in the dynamic of truly experiencing one another as equals; empowered people. We leave with deep appreciation and gratitude, in awe of how sitting in a circle is simple, powerful, and life-affirming.

Contact Heartsong when you are interested in hosting a Soundscape and Wisdom Circle event in your studio or home.

“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it.” 
 — Brené Brown

"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice,

and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent."

- Madeleine Albright